Title: O Gibson Praise Author: Tim Scott Email: TScott2533@aol.com Website: http://www.geocities.com/timmscott.geo/ Spoilers: Fractured Christmas carol Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. Any of 'em, dammit. To the tune of "O Christmas Tree" O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! How can you still be breathing? O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! How can you still be breathing? When you would not test for their Prof They tried to blow your head right off. O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! How can you still be breathing? O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! You got to watch some cool tv O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! You hoped they would just leave you be. But Mulder of the FBI Would not believe your alibi O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! Your fibs he would not dignify. O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! They took you then so far away O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! But you escaped them yesterday! And now you're with an alien That doesn't need much oxygen O Gibson Praise, O Gibson Praise! What will tomorrow bring you?