Title: Serendipity Author: Tim Scott Email: TScott2533@aol.com Website: http://www.geocities.com/timmscott.geo/ Archive: This story was done specifically for the "Scullyfic at the Improv" group. Summary: I don't do summaries, I don't work weekends and I don't do windows. Not even Windows '99. I do do a hell of a Mickey Mouse impression, though. Thanks: to Binah for giving me Spender's name. Disclaimer: "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, all is vanity." Particularly the conceit that anyone is paying much attention to us. But just on the off- chance that they are, this story is unauthorized and is not making me a dime. 10/13/99 4:38am Washington DC Walter Reed Hospital The morgue "It was a dark and stormy night..." Mulder's voice echoed off the tiles of th e chilly room, prudently trailed off and fell silent due to the thoroughly unamused look on Skinner's face. He glanced to his right, but his partner had that constipated look on her face again. "Well, it was!" he said defensively. Skinner took his glasses off and squeezed the bridge of his nose. With closed eyes he intoned, in the ultra-patient voice Mulder had grown to detest so much, "Agent Mulder. My sense of humor is not at its best before sunup. So please tell me, as clearly and succinctly as you can, why you dragged me out of bed at oh-dark-thirty." He put his glasses back on and regarded the rather battered-looking agent. Mulder had been perfectly healthy the last time the AD had seen him, three days ago. Mulder cleared his throat. "Yes, sir." He looked at his partner, who shrugged back at him, clearly leaving the ball in his court. The taller agent winced as he tried to settle his right arm more comfortably in its sling. "It's over, sir." Skinner blinked for a moment before narrowing his eyes. Mulder returned his boss' stare blandly. Succinct you want, succinct you get. The clarity might have left something to be desired but the A. D. couldn't fault him for his brevity. Besides, he hurt all over and Skinner's lost slumbers were not his primary concern just now. The glasses went back on the Assistant Director's face, he blew out a careful breath and said, "Fine. Tell it your way. What is going on here, Agent Mulder?" Mulder smirked and nodded to his partner, who shook her head and walked to one of many small doors set into the wall. She tugged on the handle, swung the door wide and dragged out a long tray. There was a sheet-draped form on the slab. Mulder, too wired to stay still for long, joined his partner and pulled out the next one over. They glanced at each other before simultaneously baring the faces of the bodies. Skinner staggered back. One was Alex Krycek. The other body they knew by many aliases, mostly epithets. Earlier this year his birth name had finally come to light: C. G. B. Spender. Formerly the chief assassin of a global conspiracy of undetermined purposes, now probably working out the most efficient way to take over Hell. Slowly his balding boss approached the two bodies. He took his time examining them, finally looking at Agent Scully with raised eyebrows. She nodded. "It's confirmed, sir. It's really them." The A. D. nodded back and slowly pushed both slabs back into their receptacles before turning to face his subordinates. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and let it out slowly before opening them again. He fixed Mulder with a stern look. "Start at the beginning and don't leave anything out. None of the exercises in fiction you enjoy making me read. The truth, Agent Mulder." Mulder nodded and tried to settle his arm comfortably again. He opened his mouth, then closed it again as Scully approached him. She dug a small bottle out of her pocket, unscrewed it and handed him a pain pill. He made a face but accepted it, dry-swallowed it and grimaced before turning to face their boss again. Scully absently noted the time and settled back against an autopsy table as her partner told the tale. "We finished our shift of the stake-out you assigned us to last night. Miller hasn't been apprehended yet, by the way, but it's just a matter of time. We've got all the evidence we need to close the case and he doesn't know it yet so all we have to do is pick him up when he comes home. Anyway we got back to the Hoover building at 12:18am, to be precise, and Agent Scully surprised me with a birthday cake." Mulder paused to give his partner a fond glance. She smiled back at him, saw the A. D. noticing and looked back at him defiantly. Skinner said, "Happy birthday, Agent Mulder. What happened next?" Mulder shook his head, forcibly returning his mind to the topic at hand. "Actually it wasn't a cake, it was a cupcake with a candle in it. One of those un-blow-out-able things where the flame keeps coming back no matter how hard you blow? Anyway. The janitorial crew sang the song for me and we left. Then she took me to a nice restaurant and bought me a late dinner and a real birthday cake. The waiters sang that time." Skinner ground his teeth together. Mulder looked innocent. "You said not to leave anything out!" Skinner nodded and gestured for Mulder to continue. "Anyway, we were headed for the car when I turned to make a smart remark, something like 'who are you and what have you done with my partner' when I slipped in a puddle of rainwater and fell down the stairs. I got this black eye and broke my arm in two places..." Behind her professional face Dana Scully relived that moment. It wasn't a pleasant memory. Mulder tossed the statement off like it was no big deal. He'd disappeared like going down a trapdoor. One moment wising off, as he had all through dinner, making her laugh so hard her face hurt, the next just... gone. By the time she got to the top of the stairs he was already in a heap at the bottom. She went down the stairs in nearly a controlled fall, her hands reaching for her cell phone to call 911 as her eyes scanned his still form. She checked him one-handed as she called it in, then dug out her mini-flashlight to check his pupils. He was breathing normally. The rest could wait for the pros. While she held Mulder's hand and spoke reassuringly to him, even though he was obviously unconscious, she thought how ridiculous it was. All the incredible dangers they'd faced through the years and now *this* had to bring him down? He would almost certainly recover but, dammit, it wasn't a sure thing. Nothing was a sure thing. For some reason it suddenly came home to her, like a bomb going off, that she could lose him. She'd always known it, she wasn't some kind of unthinking child to ignore the realities of the life they led, but for some reason the knowledge had taken up residence in her gut now. Mulder was the one in shock but she was doing the shaking. He'd always seemed so alive, so indestructible before. It hit her like a speeding truck. Then the EMTs arrived and she busied herself with giving them the necessary information, getting their destination and chasing them to the ER. Through the endless five minute drive she chanted oh please, oh please, oh please... She filled out his paperwork, as she'd done a dozen times, smiled when the ER nurses recognized him and joked about him being their best customer. She wrapped herself in his trench coat and quietly trembled until they told her she could see him. Dana entered the curtained alcove on wobbly legs and watched the orderly help her partner stay upright while a nurse slid the jacket over his shoulder. The sling was very blue against his white shirt. She remembered the last time she'd seen him in a similar situation, how he'd blurted that he loved her. She grimaced as she recalled her reply and wondered yet another time if the drugs had made him say what he said or if they just gave him the nerve. He was concussed again, she could see that from the way he fought to stay upright. That meant another sleepless night for both of them. She reviewed her mental file of 'ways to amuse Mulder' as the nurse instructed her about the care and feeding of head trauma cases. When Dana was satisfied that he was oriented in all three spheres she thanked everyone and led him out to the car. She got him buckled in, climbed behind the wheel... ... and couldn't make herself turn the key in the ignition. They sat that way for a moment. "Um. Scully?" He sounded confused, which was only natural. "Yes, Mulder?" Her own voice sounded calm enough. Good. "Is it just me, or are we not moving?" She turned to face him, unsure of what she was going to say and knowing that it probably wasn't the best time to say it, but she knew herself well enough to be sure that if she didn't say it now she might not ever tell him how she felt. And he deserved better than that. Not only that, but she deserved to tell him. But before she could open her mouth the phone rang. "We got a call from DCPD about a double homicide at a health club not twenty minutes from the hospital," Mulder said. "I had to stay awake anyway so we headed on over to see what was up." Skinner held up a hand to halt the narrative. "Why did they call you for something like that? It's not your department." Mulder nodded, then winced at the pain the head movement cost him. "After the immolations at El Rico Air Base we requested to be notified whenever certain names hit any police database in the nation. When their fingerprints" -- Mulder gestured at the wall -- "turned up we got the call." Mulder put a hand to his head and reeled a bit. Scully took his arm and led him to a wall without drawers, something he could lean against. She took up the story to give him a moment's rest. "The towel boy at the health club called it in. It seems he was making his rounds and found a body wearing a purple speedo, if you can believe it, floating in the pool. When the body was removed from the water it was found to have three .22 caliber bullet holes in the head." She paused to gesture at the drawer containing the remains of the Cancerman. Skinner shook his head. Scully continued. "When the officers went to search his locker for ID they found Krycek's body." She shook her head. "I can't believe he'd do something so stupid but it seems that, in the course of his own search of Mr. Spender's locker, he found a box of mint green tic-tacs and ate one. These tic-tacs seem to have been part of Spender's exit strategy. They contained cyanide." Skinner's jaw dropped. He seemed unable to come up with a reply that fit the situation. Well, neither could she. To cover this Dana picked up a box containing Krycek's personal effects and set it on the autopsy table. She reached into it, produced what appeared to be a hand-held computer and gave it to her boss. "This device contains a great deal of information. Some friends of ours hacked into it. They are confident that they can find the algorithm that will deactivate the nano-mechanisms infesting your body. I would guess that you will be your own man again in under a week." She raised an eyebrow at his look of surprise. "Oh, come on, sir. You didn't really think we'd stop investigating it just because you told us to, did you?" Skinner squinted at her, weighing the device in his hands. "Yes, actually, I did." She reddened. "Well, you're half right. I wanted to move on to other things. *He*..." here she gestured at her partner, "... in his usual pigheaded manner, refused to let it alone. Mulder gets the credit for this one, sir." Mulder, eyes still closed, smiled at this. "Goddammit, Mulder, will you quit that? You're going to cut your own throat!" He turned to face her. "Goddammit, Scully, *look* at me! I look like a poor grade of salvage! He's gonna be here any minute, we are about to give our final report. Let me at least be clean shaven when that happens." She stared at him. "What do you mean, 'last report'?" He turned back to the mirror and tried once again to shave left-handed. He nicked himself a second time and swore. She snatched the razor out of his hand, spun him around and pushed him back against the sink. "I'll do it! Now tell me what you're talking about." With a forefinger she turned his head to the side and, using long clean strokes, began to depilate her partner's face. "He was the last one, Scully. Krycek was never a mover and shaker except in his wannabe mind, he was just muscle with delusions of gender. Spender was the last one who really knew what was going on. With him dead, my last chance of finding Samantha is gone. The conspirators are all dead, the Plan is finished. It's over. Finito. Ended. Time to take my marbles and go home while I still have a few left." The razor paused for a moment, then continued another straight swath through the lather on his face. She turned his head and began working on the other side, giving herself time to get her voice under control. "You're quitting?" "That word has such negative connotations. I prefer 'retiring'." "What will you do, Mulder? The work has been your life." He decided to wait until she was finished. No sense aggravating a woman who has a razor at your throat. It took her a moment to do the last stroke to her own satisfaction, then another while she cleaned his face with paper towels. What to tell her, though? The truth was the first thing that came to mind. On the other hand, Scully never seemed too happy to hear his version of the truth. Oh, well. He'd try one last time. While Skinner was still mulling over the implications of what he'd heard Scully picked up a second box from the floor and set it down next to the first one. She removed a sheet of paper and gave it to Skinner, too. The man's eyebrows climbed. "Cain Gideon Barnabas Spender? You're shitting me." Mulder smiled, his eyes still closed. "Finally found someone with a worse name than mine. No wonder nobody ever called him by name. They were probably afraid he'd kill 'em." Scully chimed in. "His first name was appropriate, anyway." Mulder finally opened his eyes, squinting against the fluorescent lights. He made his unsteady way over to the other two living occupants of the room. With his left hand he produced his pistol and credentials from inside his sling and placed them on one of the boxes of personal effects. "I won't be needing these any more. Put them someplace... safe." He delivered this sentence with a razor-edged smile from the other side of the autopsy table, then nodded his head less astringently. "You were a better boss than I had a right to expect. Thank you for all your help. Goodbye." Mulder limped out of the room without another word or a backward glance, leaving his former boss stunned. He turned to Scully in confusion. She seemed to be taking it pretty well. Not a blink, not a twitch. Incredible. He'd been so sure they were... The redheaded woman produced her own weapon and ID and placed them atop the other box. Then she put both hands on the table and leaned toward him, her eyes an icy blue. "Mulder has been a lone wolf all his life. He never expected much from the system, from the FBI, and so he was never disappointed when he got no support. I, on the other hand, am a Navy brat. I worked the system for us, partly because I've been doing it all my life and partly because, even if it did occur to Mulder to do it, he'd be terrible at it." Skinner nodded, waiting for the rest of it. "We put our trust in you and you failed us. Worse than that, you betrayed us. Both you personally, the FBI and the government as a whole. I could enumerate all the times it's happened but you know them as well as I do. Now that we're no longer useful to you I can just imagine what you will all feel free to do." Ah. Now they were getting to it. He'd seen her claws come out before, of course, but never all the way like this. She'd always left herself an out before. She really *did* know how to work the system! "This being the case, I think you should tell your corporate masters to think several times before they bother either of us. During the course of my own investigations, while Agent Mulder was searching for aliens, I learned many things about the entirely human men who conspired to experiment on people without their consent. Just working by myself I documented enough to know what a firestorm would begin if I made it public. The Nuremberg trials were nothing in comparison, and you can look back on Kenneth Starr with fond memories. Am I making myself clear to you, sir?" He nodded carefully. "I will convey your message, Miss Scully." She turned and left the room, her heels decisively click-clacking up the hall. Toward the elevator leading up from the basement of the hospital. Toward the rain that was still falling. Toward her freedom. That evening, as she carried a tray laden with sliced fruit and other finger foods toward her bathtub, she was still waiting for the fact of it to sink in. She was free. No more living at the whim of bureaucrats. No more phone calls at ungodly hours to chase mutants or aliens or what-have-you. No more denying herself the things she wanted and (let's admit it, Dana) needed. No more Old Boy's Club! Now there was a reason to celebrate! She bumped the bathroom door open with her hip, slipped inside and set the tray down on the tub, reaching back to kick the door shut as she did so. She raised one corner of the wet washcloth that hid the eyes of the tub's occupant. "Mulder? You still in there?" "Jeez, Scully, how can you stand the water this hot? I'm afraid to move," he mumbled from behind his cloth screen. "Oh, don't be such a baby. Admit it, you feel better." "I feel like someone surgically removed my bones. This is great, Scully. Thanks for doing this for me." He sighed contentedly. Well, she was assuming he was smiling under there, the muscles of his face -- the ones she could see, anyway -- were contracting in the proper ways. She picked up a slice of apple and lifted the bottom of the washcloth, exposing his mouth. Yes, that was a smile. No question about it. She took a second to admire that mouth openly. "Open wide, Mulder." "Why?" She scolded him. "Don't be so suspicious, Mulder. Just shut up and do as you're told." His right arm was propped up safely away from the water. He used his left to remove the washcloth so he could see her. "You've gotten mighty bossy all of a sudden." But he opened his mouth in acquiescence. She popped the food in and watched him chew. Maybe that was her key to peace and quiet? Keeping his mouth occupied? "Did you really mean what you said earlier, Mulder?" It took him less than a second to figure out what she meant. His gaze softened and he nodded. "Say it again." He chuckled. "You're such a girly girl, Scully. It's cute." Her face must have changed because he swallowed quickly and said, "Okayokayokay! Jeez! Take it easy, will you?" She relaxed, sat back on the little stool next to the tub. He sighed. "I take it you're referring to what I said I'd do now that I no longer work for the Bureau?" Dana nodded. Mulder sat up straight in the tub. With his left hand he reached over, took a grape and popped it into her mouth before taking another for himself. They watched each other as they chewed. Mulder seemed entranced by her face. Finally he sighed again and repeated what he'd said earlier. "I have no idea what I'm going to do, Scully. Probably I'll take a year or so to just think about all that's happened, try to make some sense of it. I'd like to some traveling for pleasure while I do so, see some of the places I've always wanted to see. What I do really doesn't matter to me right now... as long as can do it together." She closed her eyes, leaning into the sensations that this speech called up as though it were a strong wind. His voice continued, filling her ears with wonder. Mulder *never* talked like this! "I have money of my own, Scully. I never have to work again if I don't want to. Or I can work until my dying day if that pleases me. Come with me. Or tell me where you want to go and I'll come there if you'll let me. We can get married or not, it's entirely up to you. Just so we're together. Take as long as you need to make up your mind. It will probably take a week or so to wind up my affairs here in DC. If you haven't decided by then, the Gunmen can always find me." She kept her eyes closed for a moment, enjoying the way the words echoed in her mind, enjoying the heat from the steam and from the man in her tub. She gasped when that man's fingers began tracing lines over her face. The sensations were so intense! Her eyes popped open, along with her mouth, and Mulder sat back in the tub again. His hand went with him, damn it. She grabbed it before it got away. "You're turning into a prune, Mulder. Time to get out." She could see him considering several smart remarks. She turned to get a towel from the rack so she didn't see his face but the smirk was evident from the false submission in his voice. "Yes, dear." She flipped the switch to drain the tub before she helped him get vertical again, the whole lovely length of him. My, my, my. He held her shoulder with his good hand as he stepped out of the tub and stood patiently while she patted him dry. They spent the day alternating naps with glorious sex. Sometimes it was slow and almost sleepy. Sometimes it was hot and hard and fast and furious. And the thought that kept echoing in Dana's mind, again and again, was that if he could do this to her one handed...! Shortly before midnight, as they spooned hot fudge sundaes into each others' mouths, Mulder rocked his hips forward every now and then. Like the tide he slipped into and out of her, just enough to maintain his erection as he fed her ice cream and caressed her face while she gasped his name and threatened him with a dire fate if he stopped. Finally she rolled him onto his back and climbed astride, keeping one eye on her bedside clock. As midnight approached she moved faster and faster until, just before the numbers clicked over, he shouted wordlessly as his whole body *thrummed*! He blinked up at her in stunned shock as she grinned at him and tried to get her breath back. As sleep rose up to take him she leaned down and whispered, "I love you too, Mulder. Happy birthday." And his smile was something to see. The End Story elements were supplied by: 1) jjordao -- Scully shaving Mulder because he has a broken arm and nicked himself when he tried to do it alone 2) spicedrum -- a box of minty green tic-tacs laced with cyanide 3) the_wt -- CSM in a purple speedo (and you'll pay for this, Mel...) 4) haphmeth -- trick birthday candles, the kind that re-light 5) fabiana -- Mulder & Scully sharing a sundae, feeding each other