Title: The Game Author: Diana Battis Classification: Withheld at author's request Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Summary: Learning to play can be dangerous. Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Never have, never will, damn it! Author's Comments: A big thank you to Kristy, beta par excellence, for her time, patience, and ruthlessness. This wouldn't have been possible without her! *********** Watching me. Someone is watching me. My eyes scan the food court, searching for something, someone, to explain this sensation. And that's when I notice him, leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest. He is staring at me, his eyes probing. I feel as though they look through me, into me, seeing things not meant for public display. He nods to me, and I feel a shock of awareness as I meet his eyes. I look away. But my eyes are drawn back to him. He is still watching me. Though he isn't handsome in the classical sense, he has an interesting face. It looks "lived in". He's in his late-thirties, tall and lean, with dark hair. He is wearing jeans, tight jeans that hug his narrow hips and emphasize the strength of his legs. A dark jacket hangs open, exposing the white shirt underneath. Straightening up, he moves away from the wall and walks toward me. His movements are loose and easy, but I sense his nervous energy beneath the surface. "Hello. This is quite a place, isn't it. Do you come here often?" A half smile touches his mouth, and he tilts his head in inquiry. His tone is mocking, and I don't reply. I force myself to look away. Big mistake. He takes my silence as an invitation, and falls in beside me. He is much taller than I am, and I notice he instantly matches his stride to mine. We walk without speaking, the sound of footsteps our only communication. His body is relaxed, his movements graceful. I am not comfortable, and he is aware of my edginess. I think it amuses him. My initial unease turns to embarrassment then annoyance in quick succession. Making up my mind, I stop and turn to face him. "Look, surely you have something better to do with your time. I have some errands to run, and I don't need your help." Turning on my heel, I veer to the right, heading for the nearest store, "Sweet Expressions". I walk past the banner exhorting us to "Remember Mom!" and enter the shop. I am the only customer, and take the opportunity to examine the selections available. The display cases are filled with delicacies, and the aroma of chocolate is almost overwhelming. It is hard to decide what to buy, until I see the strawberries. They are large, deep red in color, with the tips dipped in dark and milk chocolate. My mom loves strawberries, and I think this may be just the gift I was searching for. Someone enters the store and walks over to the counter to stand beside me. I don't pay any attention to the newcomer, since the clerk is ready to take my order. As she walks away to pack the berries, I casually glance up at the customer next to me. My shadow is back. He is standing so close I can see the faint beginnings of stubble on his face. "You like strawberries? So do I." He leans in, his head dipping closer, and I can feel his breath on my cheek. "Those berries look tempting, very tempting." His voice is low and intimate. "Eating strawberries is almost a religious experience." He is not looking at the berries. Instead, his eyes are on me. "So red, and ripe, and luscious. You look at them, then you take a small taste. They're so sweet, so wet and juicy, and you want to savor the experience." As he speaks, his eyes fasten on my mouth. "One taste, and you crave another." My lips are suddenly dry, and my tongue slides out to moisten them. Another mistake. His eyes narrow slightly as they follow the movement, and something else appears in them. Hunger. I don't think it is strawberries he craves. "These are a gift for my mother. For Mother's Day," I add unnecessarily. "Just the strawberries?" His hand reaches out to tuck an errant strand of hair behind my ear, before dropping to the counter. "I haven't decided what else to get her." The clerk is now back with my strawberries, and overhears the last part of our conversation. "What about flowers, dear? I know I love getting flowers. Why, when my husband was still alive he always sent me white roses for my birthday. They're my favorite." "That's lovely," I reply. "Roses are my favorite flower, too, though I prefer yellow ones." The woman turns to him. "Did you hear that, dear. Your girlfriend's favorite flowers are yellow roses." She winks at him. "You got to remember important things like that, you know." "Oh, but I'm not...." I don't get a chance to finish. "I'll keep it in mind." He answers her, but his eyes never leave my face. It has been a while since a man has looked at me the way he does, with open admiration and something else -- desire. It forces me to remember who I am, and the choices I have consciously made. Trying to ignore him, I reach out to grab my package, and leave the shop. I hurry through the mall, looking cautiously over my shoulder. There is no sign that I am being trailed. I hear the soft sound of jazz as it spills out from a small music shop. It lures me inside. I love music, but I am mad about jazz. The muted wail of a trumpet, the smooth, smoky lament of a sax, the primitive throb of bass. That music speaks to the hidden Dana Scully, the one who lives deep inside me. The passionate one who feels. The music is soothing, and the tension begins to drain out of me. I am actually enjoying myself. After choosing two discs I turn quickly, and walk right into another customer. As I raise my eyes to apologize, the words die in my throat. It is him. I don't know how long he has been standing there, watching me. His hand reaches out to clasp my upper arm, steadying me, and I find myself pressed against the warmth of his chest. I am startled. I step away, my body burning from the momentary contact, and promptly drop my CDs. He stoops to retrieve them, and inspects my choices before passing them back to me. His hands are beautiful, fingers long and sensitive, and they brush against mine in the exchange. I pull back as though I've been burned. I look at my hands, expecting to see tiny blisters forming from the contact, but they remain pale and unblemished. He notices my confusion, and smiles. "Thank you." I avert my gaze, the color rising in my cheeks. I know he is aware of my discomfort, that he enjoys it. I feel like a teenager with my first crush, tongue-tied and awkward. "You're welcome." I hear the laughter in his voice. "Jazz. It's the one true American form of music." He moves in front of me, thumbs hooked in the pockets of his jacket, blocking my path. "Great music for dancing. Not many opportunities to slow dance to Alternative, but jazz, that's another story." His words conjure up images in my mind. I see myself in his arms, our bodies pressed close together, moving in time with the music. "I'm through here, I have to leave. I ... I'm meeting someone soon." I look at my watch to lend credence to my words. He hesitates for a moment, then gives a slight shrug and moves to let me pass. With a small nod in his direction, I walk to the front of the store to pay for my purchases. I hear him follow, his footsteps slow and deliberate. I want him to follow. The thought pops into my head, and I know it's true. I like his attentions. He is attractive, and he makes me feel like a woman. It's been a long time since anyone has done that. I want him. I finally admit the truth to myself. I want him. I don't come to this realization easily. I've struggled against it, but I am losing the battle. Grabbing my bag from the counter, I run out of the store. The clerk calls to me, but I don't stop. I need to get out of here, before I do something I will regret later. ***** It is a relief to get out into the fresh air. I find myself taking deep breaths, filling my lungs. Moving swiftly, I head for my car. It's late, and the parking lot is nearly empty. My car is the only one left in this area. Placing my purchases in the trunk, I slam it shut and walk around to the driver's side. The key is in my hand, and I am fumbling for the lock when I feel someone come up behind me. "You forgot this." His hand appears over my shoulder, holding something in front of my face. It is the receipt from the music I'd purchased. I watch the white paper flutter in the night air, but make no move to take it from him. He holds it out a few seconds longer, then drops his hand to my jacket. I feel his fingers probing along my hip, caressing and warm. Stop it, I scream silently, and I know I really don't want him to stop. He reaches his goal, wedging the paper into my pocket. His fingers slide out, and trail slowly over my body to come to rest at my waist. My breathing is shallow, and I shudder at his nearness. His head dips, and he whispers into my ear. "I'm sorry if I made you feel ... uncomfortable back there. That was never my intention." His breath moves along my cheek, and his lips seek the lobe of my ear, tugging it gently before using his tongue to swirl along its shell-like shape. Things are moving too fast. I need to think. But it's hard to be rational with his mouth moving over me. I can't help myself, I lean back against him, allowing him access to my throat. His lips travel down my neck, placing light kisses along its length, now and then stopping to nip at this sensitive area before using his tongue to soothe it. I fight back a moan as his mouth moves down to my shoulder, and his tongue explores the depression there. "You know, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship." His lips are back at my ear, and his hand steals around my waist to pull me closer. I tremble in anticipation. I am losing myself, transforming, morphing into someone I don't know. A rebirth, and twice as scary. There is no guide around to teach me the rules. Only he is here. Unable to stand the torment any longer, I turn in his arms. My eyes meet his, I am begging, without words, for an end to his teasing. He lowers his head to place small kisses on the corners of my mouth, and his tongue traces the fullness of my lower lip. Teasing, teasing ... would he never kiss me? I moan, "Please..." He smiles and covers my lips with his. Passion erupts, white hot, and I struggle to get closer to him, like a moth to the flame. I cling to him, parting my lips to afford him full entry. His tongue slides smoothly into my mouth, to duel erotically with mine in a battle where no one is the loser. Our bodies wedge tightly together, like two pieces of a puzzle that are finally connected. His hand moves, and I feel him tug the shirt from my jeans. I shudder as the warmth of his palm connects with my flesh. He moves his hand slowly, his fingers caressing my waist, then trailing around to my stomach. They push lower, working their way beneath the waistband of my jeans. His fingers circle my navel and skim over the lace of my panties, before gliding up to my breast. My nipples are so tight, and my breasts, cupped by the silk bra, ache to have his hands there instead. Almost as if he can read my mind, I feel his fingers slip over the top of my bra before sliding under the silky material. They find their target, cupping my breast and slowly circling the nipple, and the hard nubbin of flesh puckers even more at his touch. He rubs his thumb over it, back and forth, each pass a pleasurable torment, driving me wild. And still we kiss. Hard and long, wet and sweet. We can't seem to get enough of each other. His body crushes mine against the coldness of the car door. I grind my pelvis against him, aching for more. He groans in reaction, and presses tighter. I can feel his arousal now, and my core liquefies in response. The glare of headlights catch us in its beams, and like startled deer we break for cover. I am gasping for breath, disoriented. I feel abandoned. He shields me from the light, and my hands, trembling badly, automatically move to adjust my clothes. We are again covered by darkness. He pulls back from me completely, his arms hanging loosely at his sides, eyes half closed and breathing still erratic. I stand there, dazed by powerful emotions, incapable of rational thought. The facade of control I project is irretrievably shattered. It leaves me raw and exposed. His hand lifts, reaching for me, but I am afraid of his touch, of the desires it provokes. "No," I whisper. His hand falls. Turning away, still trembling, I manage to unlock the car and get in. My fingers are awkward and clumsy, fumbling until I finally fit the key into the ignition. The engine roars to life, and the tires screech on the asphalt as I pull away. Chancing a look in the mirror, I see him, arms folded across his chest, still standing where I'd left him. Watching me. *********** Somehow, I manage to get home in one piece. Purchases are put away with speed, the empty bags neatly folded and stored for future use. Keeping my apartment organized is easy. Trying to maintain the same order in my life is more difficult. I sit down with a cup of tea, its warmth soothing as I reflect on my earlier experience. Tonight was a revelation, and I am not sure how to proceed. I am standing at the edge of an abyss, and one false move will send me plummeting... Rapid, insistent knocks at the door shatter the stillness. I move forward to open it, unsurprised to see my partner standing there. Without a word, I step aside to let him enter. "Hey, Scully, I have something for you." Mulder moves into the room, his presence making the large space seem smaller. One hand is hidden behind his back, and he brings it into view with a flourish. Flowers. A small smile flits across my face. Yellow roses, and their fragrance delights my senses. I place the bouquet on the coffee table before turning back to him. "God, Mulder, what was that all about?" I am angry now, and I attack without warning. "S'matter, Scully? Didn't you like the game?" "Game? You call that a game? Did it make you feel like a big, macho man, treating me like that? Mulder, I can't believe your balls!" "Glad you noticed." He is smirking, and I want to slap the look off his face. "I'm serious. What did you think you were doing?" "What did I think *I* was doing? Seems to me there were two of us involved, Scully." His words stop me. I know he's right, and I feel the anger drain out of me. "Mulder, I need to know -- why now?" "I guess ... I'm just tired of playing by their rules. I want to win for a change." "So now this is a contest? And I'm the prize? Gee, thanks Mulder." My head dips, my hair falling forward, shielding my face, as tears threaten. "You've succeeded in reducing this to trophy status." "There's no prize, no trophy, Scully." His voice grows soft, and I know he has seen the single droplet that snakes its way down my cheek. He reaches out to brush it away. "How could you think I'd belittle what's between us like that?" I give up trying to control my feelings. I've done that so many times before. Finally, I am free from self-imposed restraints that cripple me emotionally and leave only regrets. "I'm sorry, Mulder. But after tonight, I don't know what I think." My voice is little more than a whisper. "I only know what I feel. I only know I love you." "No more barriers, Scully. No more lies, or deceptions. No more games. Just truth, our truth. And this." His hand lifts to my cheek, and it gently cups my face before he moves to claim my mouth. I've been in a constant state of arousal for the past hour, and the heat of his mouth, the silky wetness of his tongue as it plays along my lips before dipping inward, is almost more than I can take. I am wild, meeting him kiss for kiss, tasting him, a sweet, tangy flavor that is markedly his alone. I press closer to him, and feel his heart pound beneath my hands as they caress the muscular breadth of his chest. I want him, oh god, how I want him. Our lips part, allowing us the luxury of breathing. I am nestled in his arms, my initial pique forgotten. My only thoughts are of the pleasure he can give, will give. He isn't surprised by my response. I think he's always known that the cool exterior I present to the world hides a very different Scully. I have never been tempted to uncover that woman before. But for Mulder, I am. I do. I don't know when love became part of the equation. I only know that it's there. Before Mulder, my life was empty. Now, his quest for the truth is part of my life, too. But my life also contains another truth: that I love him more than life itself. And I know he loves me too. Every action speaks of it. Though he hasn't said the words aloud, I know. He uses his lips for other things, yet he is still able to convey the essence of his feelings. Arms that had once pushed away, now embrace me, enfolding me in the safe harbor of his love. He pulls me closer, and I feel him through his jeans, his hardness pressing against me. I sigh in pleasure, smug in the knowledge of my power over him. But it isn't enough, I want to make him feel more. I run my fingers over his ribs, beneath his belt, listening with pride to the tortured sound of his breathing. I did that to him, too. I feel for the hem of his t-shirt, to tug it from his jeans, and push my hands beneath, running them up the strong wall of his chest. I scrape my nails lightly through the crisp hairs that cover him, searching for and finding the button-sized nipples. They are sensitive to my touch, and I run my fingers over them, gratified to hear his groan of pleasure. He stops my hands, holding them still against his chest. I feel his heart racing beneath my palm, before he steps back. One smooth movement, and his shirt is off. Now his hands are at my waist, pulling my shirt free, and then it too is gone, to puddle on the floor with his. His fingers, more sure than mine, tackle the snap on my bra, releasing the catch to free my breasts. I think my nipples can't get any tighter, but in seconds I know better. His mouth captures one peak, pulling the pink tip into his mouth, circling it before allowing his tongue to flutter rapidly against the delicate crown. He moves to my other breast and repeats the movements. I am so sensitive there that his actions almost put me over the edge. It is my turn to pull back. I take his hand, and lead him to the bedroom. This room, my ivory tower, had been used for utilitarian purposes before today. Sleeping, reading, dressing. No personal memories to color the bland character of the room. But all that is about to change. I sit on the bed, feeling suddenly shy, my arms crossed over my chest. Mulder, kicking off his shoes, notices my discomfort. He comes to me, stooping before me and gently takes my foot in his hand. His fingers remove my shoe, and I am surprised to see his hand is trembling as he reaches for my other ankle to repeat the operation. He stops suddenly, and our eyes meet. His hands are reaching for mine, pulling them away from my breasts to hold them in his, threading our fingers together. "Scully, is this too fast for you? Am I rushing things? I don't want to pressure you." He lets my hands go, placing his on his knees as he crouches in front of me. "I was wrong to do that earlier tonight. I'm sorry." I feel the beginnings of fear in my heart. He is regretting what has happened, and is looking for a way out. My face must reflect the inner turmoil I am experiencing, for he starts shaking his head. "Oh no, don't think that. Not even for a second. I love you, Scully." He says it matter-of-factly, but the slight huskiness of his voice betrays the strong emotions he is experiencing. "I've been waiting for you my whole life. You're my one in five billion, remember." And I smile at that, the fear replaced by delight. I must answer him, and I struggle for the words, the right ones to show him exactly how I feel. But actions speak louder than words. I reach out with my foot, to touch him. His position makes it easy to express my feelings. I place the ball of my foot against the bulge in his jeans, and press. I feel his body jump, his arousal pressing harder against my toes. I treat his sex like bath water, wiggling my toes against it to test the temperature. It's hot, and I smile in anticipation. He stands suddenly, and pushes me back onto the bed. I lie there, watching him peel off the rest of his clothes, jeans hitting the floor and change scattering as the contents of his pockets roll out. His boxers are next, and my breath catches in my throat as I look at him. I have seen Mulder naked before, but not like this, never like this. He is all powerful, a Greek god come to life, tall and strong and perfect. He is beautiful in his arousal, and I lay there quivering in anticipation, still amazed to think that I am the cause of it. He leans down to where I lay, his hands finding and releasing the button on my jeans and sliding the zipper down. I lift my hips, and my jeans are gone along with my panties. And now we are equal. My arms raise in welcome, and he lies down beside me. His lips are on my cheek, kissing my face lightly, tongue running to my chin where he stops. Poised over me, looking deep into my eyes, he smiles, then lowers his mouth to mine. I will never tire of kissing Mulder. I have dreamt of his mouth, that full lower lip that speaks of his passionate nature. Perfectly formed, his lips fit against mine as though they were meant for me. I think they were. I moan helplessly as I feel his tongue again. He thrusts it rhythmically in and out of my mouth, mimicking the act I am so desperate for, before finally staying to taste me. I remember the strawberries, and wonder if he is enjoying his taste. I shift restlessly beneath him, feeling him hot against my thigh. I am ready, wet and aching, and I reach down to hold him, surprised that something so hard could feel so smooth, too. He groans as I touch him, my hand gently exploring, learning the texture and substance of him. He pulls my hand away. "No, Scully." His voice is barely above a whisper, and I see him swallow hard, his throat tight with the effort. "I've been waiting a long time for this. I want to make it last a little longer." He moves to lie beside me, and my body is suddenly cold, missing the warmth of his. I cry out in frustration, and his hand moves to soothe me, stroking my hair back from my face. The same hand travels, down my neck to my shoulder, and then to my breast, stroking it lightly before moving to cup it. He holds it gently, lifting the peak to his mouth. His teeth scrape across the tip, sending ripples of pleasure through me. He sucks the nipple, pulling it lightly with his lips, bathing it with his tongue. He shifts to the other breast, and I feel the rasp of his stubble on it, a sandpapery brush that fuels my excitement. His other hand is busy, too. It has worked its way down to my stomach, tracing random patterns lightly on my skin. I roll my hips, and push up against his hand as it reaches the apex of my thighs. He strokes, moving closer to the curl-covered mound. My body lifts from the bed, trying to force the contact I crave so badly. I am so wet, it seems as though I weep for him there. "Please, please..." I am pleading with him, my head moving from side to side. I am almost out of my mind with wanting. Mulder hears my cries, and his hand covers me, parting the curls to find the bud nestled within. He strokes lightly with the pad of his thumb, sending waves of pleasure through me. I gasp, and decide this was not a good idea. I want our first time together to happen just that way -- together. I reach down to still his hand. We have waited long enough. "Now, Mulder, now." He moves over me, his face intense and passionate. Poised, he descends and I feel him enter me, filling my body the way he already fills my heart. Completely. We move together, and it is so much better than my fantasies. I realize that I am murmuring his name, over and over, in unison with his thrusts. We are climbing together, almost to the top, and I am breathing as though I have really scaled a mountain. I am almost there, reaching for the crest, and then I am there, flying, and waves of pleasure flow through me. He increases his speed, driving into me harder and faster. I hear him groan my name, as he too reaches that peak. We lie together, exhausted. "Tell me, Scully, why did we wait so long to do this?" His voice is thick with emotion. I smile, and press a small kiss against his chest. "I don't know, Mulder. But I want a rematch, and soon." I hear the rumble of his laughter. "A challenge, Scully? I accept." "We're pretty evenly matched, you know. How about we make it a little more interesting next time?" "More interesting? Scully, I'm crushed." The amusement in his voice belies his words. "What do you have in mind?" My hand slowly moves down his body. I reach out to caress him, and smile in satisfaction at his immediate response to my touch. Stroking him, I reply, "Oh, I don't know, Mulder. Why don't we just wait and ... see what comes up." "That's cheating." He shudders as I continue my exploration. "I never promised to play by the rules." "No, you didn't." His voice is soft, and his hand reaches out to cover mine as it moves slowly over his arousal. The first game was over, and I guess you could say it was a draw. As for how the second one will end, who knows? And who really cares? We're both excellent players. And after all, it's not whether you win or lose that counts, it's how you play the game. The End